Pelican for Geoffrey de la Brugge
For Geoffrey's admission to the Order of the Pelican for many years of service to the fighting communities in multiple groups.
Written in July, 2022
Unto all who these present letters are seeing or hearing, from Ajax and Gaia, Rex et Regina Nordscildenses, greeting. We want to make known that a dispute has occurred between our Order of the Pelican, on the one hand, and the noble man Geoffrey de la Bruges, Knight of the Society and Baron of the Court, on the other, because the aforesaid Geoffry has, for a long time without any claim against him, served in many ways and capacities, to the benefit of Us and our predecessors. Moreover, concerning his deeds and countenance, he has acted in accordance with the ordinances of the aforementioned Order of the Pelican, fulfilling its duties and responsibilties, yet he has acted without the authority of said Order as he has not yet been recognized as a full member. Therefore, in accordance with our ancient rights as sovereigns, we hereby induct and include him as a companion of the Order of the Pelican. As memory of this decision, we caused the present letters to be sealed with our Seal on the Feast of the Blessed Irmengard, Anno Societatis 57, in the month of July, by our Hand.
Based off the Disputes of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1215 - 1224