Great Officer Installation Ceremony

I wrote this ceremony for inclusion in the Northshield Boke of Ceremonies revision, submitted in the fall of 2022.

It is intended to serve as a template for great officer transitions. Due to the varied nature of the officer positions, there are no references to the individual officer roles. If desired, officer-specific wording can be added in where indicated. The ceremony here, however, is complete in and of itself.

It is suggested that if multiple Stallari changeovers are occurring at the same time, to omit the customizations.

Prior to court, herald should contact the officers to make sure they will be there or have designated a representative.

Written in summer 2022

(If outgoing officer is present in court)


Their Majesties call (name), current ______ of Northshield.

(Current great officer(s) approaches the throne)


________, thank you for your service to the Kingdom, 

and the people of Northshield. 

Your tenure was well-served, 

and your retirement well-earned. 

Please return to us your symbols of office 

and take your ease.

The official badge of office (medallion or similar), if present, should now be handed from the former officer to the Crown before they take their leave.


For _________, VIVAT!

(If successor is present in court)


Herald, please call the next (name of office) into court.


____ , you are summoned before Their Majesties.

(New officer approaches the throne)


_________, you have been chosen as the next (name of office) of Northshield. You will represent all the people of Northshield with your counsel to the Crown. You will be a leader, a collaborator, a teacher, and an advocate. Are you prepared to accept this responsibility?


I am.

Officer-specific statements are included in Appendix C. If officer-specific statements are to be included, they should go here. If not, continue as normal.


As a Great Officer of State, you will be the eyes and ears of the Crown in Northshield, advising not only in matters of your own areas of specialty, but in all matters of State which come before their Stallari Council. Are you prepared to accept this responsibility?


I am.

If no badge is at hand, omit the next section.


This badge of office represents the weight of your position. Bear it with the dignity due  the office.

The Crown puts the medallion on the Officer.


Now make your pledge.


I here swear fealty (pledge service) and do homage 

To the Crown of Northshield; 

To well and loyally administer my office. 

I will diligently serve 

This Crown and Kingdom; 

Uphold its laws and customs, 

Guide by my example 

All the people of Northshield, 

And in all things 

Comport myself with the dignity 

Befitting one who holds my office. 

Here by my honor and my heart, swear I, ________________. 


We accept your service and leadership  

And will rely on you to advise us wisely.   

As you hold your office(s) in good faith  

We will act toward you respectively in all things, 

Protecting you with our aid  

And rewarding you with our love. 

But may all strength fail 

And the world turn against any who 

break their solemn oath.


For ________, newest (office)  of the Kingdom of Northshield, Vivat!

For Polaris installations only:


One thing more: this cup represents the full weight of the college, and the contents represent the collective wisdom of all the Polaris Heralds who have come before you. On behalf of their legacy, I pass it to you. Let it not pass from your lips, but drink to the dregs.

Candidate drains cup, shows it is empty, and is heralded out of court as normal.


Ceremony and opening text loosely inspired by the An Tir Herald Extraordinary ceremony (2018) and Late Medieval Oaths for Kings of Arms, Heralds, and Pursuivants by Dom Pedro de Alcazar (2004).

Ceremony and text originally written for Mira Fastova, our Keythong Herald of many years.