Baronial Installation for Grimmund and Mearha
Their Majesties requested a short writ for the confirmation of installation for a territorial barony.
Written in Fall 2014
Vladimir and Petranella, second of this name, by the grace of God, Dread Stellar Sovereigns of Northshield, Count and Countess, and peers of the realm, to all those that these present letters shall hear or see, greeting.
Know ye that we to the honor of our people and to the profit of all our realm, have granted for us and our heirs, that the holding of certain baronial lands as a feif by certain trustworthy persons, being known as Grimmund Blackwing and Mearha Fyrstdohtor, which were chosen by common assent of the people in time prior, shall be kept in every point without breach or lapse. And we will that this shall be sent under our seal to our people, both to those of the forest and to the rest, together with our writs in which it shall be contained, that they cause the aforesaid investiture to be published, and have it declared to the people that we have granted that they shall be observed in all points, and that our heralds, seneschals, and other officers which under us have to administer the laws of our land, shall acknowledge the said investiture in all their points; that is to wit, the reaffirmation of investiture as the Baron and Baroness of Windhaven, for the good of our people.
And it is their agreement that they shall hold these lands for us and our descendents as a feif, as they held it from our predecessors, And they swear that they shall be faithful to us, defending us and our people with service and guidance. And we do swear to give them due reverence and consultation in matters concerning their people and their lands, and protection as is the right and proper thing.
Signed by our hands and sealed by our seal on this 28th day of February, anno societatis 49 in the Barony of Windhaven at Fighter’s School, on the Feast of St Caerealis.
Charter of the Forests, 1217 and Confirmation of the Charters, 1297