Miscellaneous Oaths
Over the years, I have drafted a few oaths for various purposes. Here are a few of them.
Anglo-Saxon oath, 900-950CE
With my hand on this relic, I swear I will be
to the Crown of Northshield faithful and true;
And love all that they love, and shun all that they shun[10];
According to the Kingdom’s law, and the world's principles;
To demonstrate courtesy, kindness, and compassion;
And let no person deny justice to another[11],
To teach the ignorant and guide the lost.
To serve the needy and shield the weak.
To seek the path and light the way.
And never, by will nor by force,
by word nor by work,
do aught of what is loathful[12]
And to never bend nor break.
Even if the earth’s fields should shake,
I swear I will hold fast, and be true[13].
Here by my honor, my hand, and my heart, swear I, Hroðwynn Brycgentslaga.
We acknowledge your oath, and will keep you as you deserve[14],
Relying on your faithfulness and wisdom
to help us bend the unrighteous to right[15];
This oath shall be protected and preserved
Inviolable and immutable,
Until the end of the world.[16]
Your enemies shall be our enemies,
your need shall be our need.
But know that any who seek to diminish their oath
Will have their names removed from the land of the living[17]
And be barred from happiness,
And destined for the outer darkness.[18]
Elizabethan oath, 1587[17]:
I shall swear that I shall faithfully to your power
serve our Sovereign Nobles,
the King and Queen,
most excellent Majesties of the kingdom of Northshield,
In good faith, I shall to my service
not only keep their Majesty’s peace amongst their people
but also support by my actions the Griffin realm.
I shall defend their Majesties garrisons, dominions,
people, and subjects of this realm against all rebels and enemies.
I shall certify their Majesties clearly and expressly thereof,
and I shall give my true and faithful council for the benefit of the Crown and Kingdom,
and of their majesties council I shall not disclose.
In this realm, I swear that I shall faithfully serve
and do the extent of my power these things,
for the good of the realm and in service to the Crown.
Thus swear I, Katerinka Lvovicha.
Langobardic Oath, 6c-7c CE
I promise that I am and shall be faithful
To my Crown and their heirs all the days of my life
Without deception and without deceit.[27]
To advance in good works with each step and season
And always be seen to move toward the better.[28]
To safeguard your counsel, [29]
To raise no controversies with evil purpose,[30]
To remain steadfast in my promise,
Inflicting injury upon no one.[31]
To aid the wronged and seek out the truth[32]
And to illuminate the way.[33]
We accept your oath.
It is right that he who makes promises to us
should be protected by our help.
And because you, our faithful follower Faraulf,
having come here to our court,
were seen to swear into our hands
that you will teach, serve, and protect our Kingdom
In whatever ways you are able,
we therefore decide and order
by the present letters
that from now on you will be counted
among the Companions of the Laurel.
And should someone perhaps dare
to do him grievous harm,
let them know that they will now be liable
to pay 600 solidi for his wergeld.[34]
Let this pledge have unshaken and undisturbed validity,[35]
and may trouble be visited eight-fold[36]
upon any who would break this oath…
so that they will obtain no joy from it, but only ruin.[37]
English oath, 1300-1500
With my hand on this relic,
I pledge that I shall be good and true
to the Crown of Northshield
Obedient shall I be,
And maintain the customs and traditions of the realm
And keep the Kingdom from harm
to the best of my ability.
I will contribute to the security and per-pe-tuity of the kingdom
Bearing my part as a member of this order ought to do.
In all things, will I advise,
for the good of the land,
And let no person deny justice to another.
Guard and defend, I shall,
The honor of the Crown
And the body of the law.
I will be faithful and loyal,
Charitable and kind,
Well and honorably acting,
Keeping your secrets and safeguarding your counsel,
And when, at what hour, my assistance is needed
So will I offer it,
So long as life remains.
Here by my honor, my hand, my bow, and my heart, swear I, Crispin Fletcher.
We accept your offer of service and leadership
And will rely on your counsel.
As you serve and guide Northshield
With honor and charity,
We will act towards you
Respectively in all things
Protecting you with our aid,
And rewarding you with our love,
But may all strength fail
And the world turn against
Any who break their solemn oath.
Please see lines 122-144 of this spreadsheet for this oath's documentation.